Do I have a tag?
Born as a daughter/grand-daughter and sister, I became a friend to few and then girlfriend/lover to become a wife and now a Mother. Life is indeed coming to a full circle isn’t? I too thought so. But read on.

I am wondering now that do I have these tags on my liking or did I accept these as a norm of living in this society. That said, yes I do not have any qualms of saying that I am someone’s daughter/granddaughter, as I am proud of the family lineage that I come from. But does that mean it will be my only identity?
I was one among the few girl children who has had the privilege of doing or saying things that I like but (there is always a BUT isn’t?) within the comfort of my family’s tradition and the circumstances that my parents grew up in. But I had been a rebel (I would like to assume so). Let’s just say that I went on do certain things that were not expected out of me.
Now that am married and raising a kid of my own I have started to realize that I do not want that tag. I am my own self. I am an individual, who absolutely have a lot of things to do, to say, to create a tradition of my own for my family to follow or hold on to.
This thought’s seed probably started with the fact that I had to change my last name post marriage and followed with naming my kid. It made me question and think I do not want to be identified as someone’s wife or daughter/ son and neither should my kid. All I say is first identify me as a person then you can associate me.

On another note, I have always wondered why an individual’s last name should have to be a surname and not a madam name (as in father’s/ family name and not mother’s name). And why is there a maiden name only for married/divorced women? Shouldn’t there be a male version of the same?
So coming back to the tag, I am a woman (or a girl) is in itself a tag. So why should you add more weightage? It’s already an excess baggage I would say.
I do love the idea of these roles though. Me playing the role of a daughter I can showcase my individuality. My persona is expressed when I am a possessive best friend, or when am the irritable little sister or as the loving caring doting wife. So is the case that I am as a Mother. I do carry on certain traits that of my mom, but it doesn’t get overshadowed. My kid sees me as I am as his Mom and that is as unique as it can get. But I do have another side to me. A side longing to break free of these roles and roam around as a free spirited not tied down to duties and be a thinker, a writer, a dreamer. And I do hope to showcase this side in the roes I play, yet not bogged down by the tags.